Resiliency Planning with Firesmart
Are you a community planner, emergency manager or firefighter who would like to educate, promote and implement the FireSmart program into your community?
We have solutions that will resolve these struggles. Coldstream Nature-Based Solutions provides high- quality, solution-focused wildfire management and mitigation services with Frontera is a forestry consulting company based in North Vancouver, British Columbia. Together we are a team of certified and experienced forest professionals who are ready to offer assistance for all FireSmart services, including:
Emergency Planning
Development Consideration
Interagency Cooperation
Education/Promotion & Rebate Program Implementation
We know that to build a wildfire resilient community you need to communicate wildfire threat to residents. That's why we've developed a Webmap Visualization Tool (for desktop or handheld) that allows public users to more fully understand and participate in your FireSmart Program.​​
This webmap tool allows the user to zoom to their property and assess their individual and overall wildfire threat. The tool also allows the user to confidentially contact and submit relevant homeowner FireSmart information to their local Fire Department/FireSmart Liaison. The local Fire Department can store and track individual and neighbourhood’s progress over time
​Watch our Video Below to Learn More!